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random data generator for tests

testing, mock data, random
Web development
12, August 2016

Many times your imagination is over when you are testing some data introduction and your form inputs are finally filled with boring and repetitive text that doesn't help you.

Instead of using non-sense words or useless terms you can use some of the following generators to get data and text in order to fill your forms. This will help you to have a results in your tests more close to the final data that could be filled in your applications.

aaaaaaaaaaaa asdasdasd 12345 qweqweqw AAAAAAAAA ASDASDASD cfjsdkl fldcfamj asdfasdfasdfasdf XXXXXXXX A .

  1. https://randomuser.me/
random data generator for tests

A great site where you can generate users with random data and even with their photos. You can find also the documentation of how to use their API to get specific kinds of random users.

random data generator for tests
  1. http://randomtextgenerator.com/
random data generator for tests

In this page you can generate a set of paragraphs of text and also with some random html with tags, one header <h2> and many paragraphs <p>. You also can choose between 16 languages but don't expect sense on the text, there are only random words in the language chosen that only seem full sentences from the distance.

  1. http://ca.lipsum.com/
random data generator for tests

Lorem ipsum is a large text write in pseudo old latin used by publishers and graphic designers to fill large text sections to work with the design and the layout without worry about the proper content. With this tool you can generate n paragraphs, words, bytes or lists of the standard Lorem ipsum text.

  1. http://www.blindtextgenerator.com
random data generator for tests

This tool works similar to the previous but have more sources to get random text. You can limit the number of words, characters and paragraphs and include or not the <p> tag and copy directly to the clipboard from a button.

  1. https://www.uuidgenerator.net/
random data generator for tests

Not only random text is needed when developing or testing. Sometimes you also need to generate identifier keys. With this purpose this tool allows you to generate version 1 or version 4 of Universally unique identifier keys.

  1. http://www.generatedata.com/
random data generator for tests

This online generator will do most work you need to generate data. It allows you to create sets of data with columns containing predefeined types of data like humans related information (names, emails, personal numbers...), geographical data (like addresses and coordinates), credit card information, random text fields, numeric fields, and use also custom lists of values like enumerates.

That's not all! These tool allows you also to export the generated data directly in several formats like CSV, Excel file, HTML, JSON, LDIF, programming languages scripts (JavaScript,Perl, PHP or Ruby), SQL dialect scripts (MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, SQLite or Oracle ) and xml.

  1. Mockaroo

Mockaroo has the same goal as the previous url . It allows you to generate for free up to 1000 rows with many predefined data patterns for each column: GUID, names, catch phrases, dates, addresses and phone numbers and a large list of data types that you can search with a practical search box. For each column you can also define a proportion of blank data values and functions to define the data with the called Mockaroo formula syntax.

If you need more data to be generated they offer a plan starting from 50 $ /year.

Extra random data generators for spanish testers/developers

  1. http://niednicifgenerador.appspot.com/
random data generator for tests

With this page you can generate up to 10, each time, valid personal identifier numbers for spanish people also known as DNI numbers, with DNI as the acronym of *Documento Nacional de Identidad*.

  1. http://www.gabilos.com/textocalculadoranumss.htm
random data generator for tests

This tool doesn't generate automatically valid numbers but allows you to enter a number and generate the Control digit for that number. With the complete sequence, the random number introduced by the user and the control digit, you get a valid number of the public social security system.

random data generator for tests
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